Text Settings in Windows Forms CheckBox (CheckBoxAdv)

24 Mar 20221 minute to read

This section discusses the text settings of the CheckBoxAdv.

Text in the CheckBoxAdv can be shadowed and wrapped by using TextShadow, ShadowColor, ShadowOffset and WrapText properties.

CheckBoxAdv Properties Description
TextShadow Determines if the text shadow is visible.
ShadowColor The color of the text shadow.
ShadowOffset The offset of the text shadow.
WrapText Determines if the text in the CheckBoxAdv is wrapped.
this.checkBoxAdv1.TextShadow = true;
this.checkBoxAdv1.ShadowColor = System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood;
this.checkBoxAdv1.ShadowOffset = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 8);
this.checkBoxAdv1.WrapText = true;
Me.checkBoxAdv1.TextShadow = True
Me.checkBoxAdv1.ShadowColor = System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood
Me.checkBoxAdv1.ShadowOffset = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 8)
Me.checkBoxAdv1.WrapText = True

Windows forms CheckBoxAdv TextShadow applied

Windows forms CheckBoxAdv WrapText applied

See Also

Windows Forms CheckBox Alignment Settings